Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Trafficking Modern Day Form Of Slavery Essay

Human Trafficking: The Modern-Day Form of Slavery Laura Gomez Case Western Reserve University On October 6, 2016, the CEO of the was arrested in Texas on allegations of sex trafficking and pimping involving underage victims (Fernandez, 2016). In Los Angeles, 153 prostitution-related arrests were made along with the rescue of 10 victims forced into the sex trade (Evans, 2016). A human trafficking sting in Texas, headed by McLennan County Sherriff s Office and the Homeland Security Investigation task force, led to the arrest of 61 people, including 11 alleged pimps on 89 charges related largely to prostitution and human trafficking. Those arrested in police raids included school teachers, police officers, law students and sports coaches (Shrier, 2016). In Polk County, Florida, the Sheriff s Office arrested 128 individuals in a human trafficking sting (Webteam, 2016). Human trafficking is the lowest and most degrading way of life, and it is happening every day and it is occurring here in the United States. Most people in the United States think of human trafficking as something that occurs outside of the U.S. such as South America, Asia, Russia or Africa. It is the fastest growing crime in the world, currently second after illegal drug-trade. This global problem affects women, men and children. The Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as a â€Å"modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercialShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking Is A Modern Day Form Of Slavery1393 Words   |  6 PagesDo you know what human trafficking is? Well, human trafficking is just another name for modern slavery.   Different medias, like television shows and movies, make it look like human trafficking only happens in foreign countries or to foreign citizens.   That however, is dangerously untrue.   I t is one of the biggest crime industries in America, behind drug and arms dealing.   It’s happening right in our backyard, human trafficking is extremely prevalent in big American cities and states with internationalRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Modern Day Form Of Slavery1591 Words   |  7 PagesHuman trafficking is a billion dollar industry and is arguably the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. It exists in every country. It’s victims are both old and young, black and white, and spans every socioeconomic bracket. The Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as, ‘a modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain’ (What Is Human Trafficking?). While people are trafficked for a majority of reasons, the mostRead MoreHuman Trafficking And Trafficking : A Modern Day Form Of Slavery Essay1068 Words   |  5 PagesHuman smuggling and trafficking: Did you know that women make up 66% of the worldwide trafficking victims? The victim is usually aged 8-18, and some are as young as 4 or 5. Human trafficking and smuggling is becoming the world’s largest crime in the world. People that are caught up in these horrible crimes either end up in jail if caught, or dead. Trafficking is a compared to a modern-day form of slavery as it involves the exploitation of unwilling people through force. Karla Jacinto was one ofRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Form Of Modern Day Slavery1147 Words   |  5 Pages Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that involves the buying and selling of human beings. Although human trafficking is highly illegal The United Nations estimate that 2.5 people are trafficked every year (2008). Most victims of human trafficking are from Asia, Slavic European nations and Central America (Thio Taylor 2011).These victims may be tricked into leaving their countries with false promises of a better life. Once imprisoned the victims are told they now have large debtsRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Modern Day Form Of Slavery1232 Words   |  5 Pages Human trafficking is a worldwide issue that continues to pose problems to many countries including the United States of America. As technology continue to improve, it is very easy for a pimp or trafficker to sit in one state and connect with a victim in another state. People are been trafficked for many reasons, one of which is sex. As victims of sex trafficking suffers with emotional, physical, sexua l and psychological abuse and manipulation, they are often afraid to report their traffickersRead MoreHuman Trafficking : A Form Of Modern Day Slavery1339 Words   |  6 Pages Trafficking in persons or TIP, â€Å"is a form of modern day slavery† (Women’s Bureau 2002). â€Å"Traffickers often prey on individuals who are poor; frequently unemployed, or underemployed, and who may lack access to social safety nets. Victims are often lured by traffickers with false promises of good jobs and better lives, and then forced to work under brutal and inhumane conditions†(Attorney General). TIP â€Å"involves the use of violence, threats or deception to create a pliant and exploitable work force†Read MoreHuman Trafficking : A Form Of Modern Day Slavery2259 Words   |  10 PagesLiu Mrs. D English 3 5/9/2016 Issue on Human Trafficking Stott and Ramey stated in their journal: â€Å"Human Trafficking described as a form of modern-day slavery, human trafficking tremendously violates the rights of its victims. Human trafficking is quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing business of organized crime. Bales and Lize explained that human trafficking is a means by which people are brought into as well as maintained in, slavery and forced labor. It is an actual process of enslavement†Read MoreHuman Trafficking : A Form Of Modern Day Slavery1394 Words   |  6 PagesHuman trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery, is the third largest money making venture in the world; 2.5 million out of 8.1 million of forced labor are sex trafficked and 1.7 million of women and girls are in commercial sexual exploitation (Stone 320). When it comes to human trafficking, it can happen to anyone and anywhere. Many female victims are sexually exploited because women and girls under the age of 18 are lured and misled by promises of e mployment, leaving their home and considerationRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is The Modern Day Form Of Slavery1845 Words   |  8 PagesHuman Trafficking in America Cindy Vann Term Paper for Social Science 180 Diversity in the United States On-line Course # 71032 Submitted to: Professor Leal November 14, 2015 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that: this term paper, entitled Human Trafficking in the United States, is exclusively the result of my own original library research, thinking, and writing. I wrote this paper for Social Science 180 to satisfy the requirement. No part of the paper was copied or paraphrasedRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Form Of Modern Day Slavery1568 Words   |  7 PagesModern Times Slaves Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery where its perpetrators profit from control, exploitation, coercion and defrauding of others through forced labor, or sexual exploitation and in some cases both. Sexual exploitation is the most prevalent form of human trafficking especially in the United States. Even though accurate statistics are rare in this field, those currently existing approximate that massive numbers of women and girls are sold for sexual exploitation within

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